A common form of discrimination that takes place in the workplace has to do with an employee’s age. Employees over 40 suffer wrongful termination due to their age and find it difficult to obtain new employment for the same reason. To combat this injustice, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 was passed. In California The Fair Employment & Working Act prohibits discrimination in employment due to age. It is illegal for an employer or coworker to treat someone as inferior or incompetent due to their age over 40, and such actions should be immediately reported to supervision. Should your complaint be ignored or mishandled, you should then contact an Orange County employment attorney to defend your rights and obtain justice in your situation.
For an employment law firm that will make every effort to support and defend you in a discrimination situation, call Employment Lawyer’s Group. Our legal team could hear you out and guide you through the steps you need to take to hold your employer or coworker accountable for their behavior. Our firm could obtain the results you need and has proven its capability for success in the past. In fact, Attorney Karl Gerber has been selected for inclusion in California Super Lawyers for many years.
Common form of age discrimination include replacing older workers with young workers, assigning older workers less desirable job task often on the claimed basis the older workers is slower, does not understand new technology, or the older employee is less physically capable. If age over 40 is a factor in a lay off and there are disproportionate number of employees over 40 selected for lay off, that may be evidence of age discrimination.
California labor laws protect workers from being treated unequally by their coworkers or employers. If you are being teased or harassed for your age, or if your workload is much less than you can handle because others think you are not competent, then call Employment Lawyer’s Group today for legal assistance. We could represent you in a mediation situation where you negotiate with the other party, or we could aggressively fight for you in court should a lawsuit be necessary.