714-210-8000 Representing Employees Since 1993

Wrongful Termination Lawyer

Hire a Wrongful Termination Attorney in Orange County

A job termination is wrongful if it is done because:

  1. the employee complained about illegal conduct of their employer;
  2. the employment termination is discriminatory;
  3. the employee is fired for refusing to perform an illegal act;
  4. the employee is fired in order to avoid paying them wages due;
  5. the employment termination was part of a scheme to defraud the employee. Another word for wrongful termination is whistleblower retaliation.

Don’t wait to retain a California employment attorney if you believe that you have been fired due to discrimination, harassment, or your job termination was in retaliation. Employees have rights and we are here to protect your employee rights! Your age, race, gender, disability, pregnancy, or sexual orientation are not legal grounds for termination of your employment, nor is your job termination due to whistle blowing.

Call The Employment Lawyers Group to discuss your employment law issues. 714-210-8000 from Orange County, or 1-877-525-0700 elsewhere in California. Our wrongful termination lawyers have handled hundreds of wrongful termination lawsuits for employees.

I’ve been fired because of discrimination. What do I do now?

Our Orange County Employment Lawyers can represent you on a contingency basis if you were fired from your job due to discrimination. We will pursue all legal remedies against your former employer due to your unlawful job termination. Remedies due to wrongful termination include back pay, loss of benefits, front pay, the costs of finding a new job, emotional distress, and punitive damages. A California Labor Code Section 1102.5 fine may also be levied against your employer if they unlawfully terminated your employment.

Only an experienced employment lawyer willing to handle your employment case in the Orange County judicial system can advise you of your job rights and take the steps necessary to win your California employment lawsuit. Once an employment lawsuit is filed in court, your Orange County employment lawyer will have the right the obtain information from your employer. During what employment lawyers call, “Discovery” they can question your former supervisor, witnesses, and human resources about your unlawful treatment at work or the pretextual reason your employer gave for firing you. Your Orange County employment lawyer can also obtain your personnel file and documents to prove your employment case, and the real reason for your employment termination opposed to pretextual reasons for your job termination falsely claimed by your employer. Without hiring an Orange County employment lawyer, you will not successfully protect your legal rights, set your employment record straight, or prevail against your employer. For proper compensation from your employer and the protection of your legal rights, you need to hire an experienced Orange County employment lawyer. Wrongful termination cases can be won in Orange County, and our employment lawyers have years of experiencing obtaining results for employees in Orange County, and the rest of California for more than 2,000 employees since 1993.

Advice over the phone is not enough. In addition, we find advice is often not followed correctly or in a timely manner. If you have an employment case, we will take your labor case on a contingency which means we will not be paid until or unless there is monetary recovery on you case. With the employment client not having to pay any money up front in order to hire our experienced employment lawyers, there is no reason why you should not be represented by top quality employment lawyers on your employment case. Save yourself the considerable hassle of trying to represent yourself in your employment lawsuit, or wasting time talking to unqualified employment lawyers.

Call 714-210-8000 to speak to our California employee rights law firm.

Firm founder, Karl Gerber began representing employees in employment cases in 1993. Although his employment law practice began in Los Angeles County, he was did a jury trial in the Santa Ana Courthouse by 1995. Within a year of beginning his law practice representing employees he had Orange County clients. In order to serve Orange County employees, he first opened an office in Orange. Some years back, he established our Tustin office.

unpaid wages lawyer los angeles

The Employment Lawyers Group continues to file many cases in the Orange County Superior Court system including the main courthouse pictured above, in Santa Ana, as well as the Complex division of the Orange County Superior Court some steps away in Santa Ana. The Complex division handles wage and hour class actions. In that courthouse, we have had class actions and PAGA settlements approved for representative groups. The Orange County Superior Court in Westminster has also began taking Superior Court filings in order to ease docket congestion. Finally, Firm Founder, Karl Gerber, recently appeared at JAMS in Irvine for a near month long binding arbitration. Wherever your case may be heard in Orange County, including if it is a binding arbitration, we are there for you.

Wrongful Termination Case Examples in Orange County:

  • $132,594 Settlement in 2014 Dollars for a La Habra Woman Who Quit Due to Sexual Harassment
  • $182,718 Settlement for a Santa Ana Job Termination Due to Mental Disability
  • $185,000 Settlement in 2014 Dollars Due to a Job Termination Due to Cancer
  • $182,500 Settlement for a Wrongfully Terminated Orange Woman Due to a Cancer Leave
  • $120,000 Settlement for Unpaid Wages Including Minimum Wage

In order to serve our employment law clients, we have offices in Tustin, Riverside, downtown Los Angeles, Gardena, Sherman Oaks, San Diego, Oxnard, and Bakersfield. All cases are personally handled by firm founder, Karl Gerber, and one of our experienced firm attorneys trained by Karl Gerber. Call 714-210-8000 or 877-525-0700 to speak to an Orange County employment lawyer about any employment issues you have at your job